Well I think winter has finally hit.. we had a great season for riding bikes though. Being able to ride until mid december in Utah is rare. We had a big session at the trails last saturday, everyone was throwing down. There was a ton of people there, Eric Porter and Blake Robinson from Haro Bikes even showed up to ride with us... pretty sick having them show up at the session. Two days later the snow finally fell.. Here are some shots from the session. Some of these shots may even show up on the Haro Bikes website.
We have been riding the dirt jumps almost every night for the last week.. Trying to pack in as many sessions as possible before the snow falls. These are some shots from a recent session. Micha, Steve, and Rob are charging.
I spent last weekend in Moab shooting with Ellsworth Bikes. It was a ride/retreat for team riders/employees/and Ellsworth enthusiasts. We had a great trip, perfect weather for riding and shooting. Here are a few shots from the weekend. These are of Tyson and Merrick from Moab cyclery, the local Ellsworth dealer. Look for some of these photos on Ellsworths website and future marketing materials...
I had always heard how epic the riding was in Hood River Oregon, so last weekend me and a couple of buddies decided to make the ten hour drive to check it out.. and it was totally worth it. The riding there was unbelivable. Luckily right when we pulled into town we met up with this dude Miles, who I had talked with a couple of weeks earlier at Red Bull Rampage. He showed us around the jump lines in Post Canyon, and then took us over to the other side of the gorge to ride a rippin downhill trail called Syncline. We also hooked up with some other riders from Portland, Idaho, and Oregon. The place has a killer freeride scene. Here are a few of the shots I took.. Thanks to everyone we rode with out there!
I haven't posted forever but I am going to try to be more consistent with this... These are some shots I took in Jackson Hole over the summer. This is a freeride trail called Jimmies Mom.. JT working it for the camera..
So we have a legit place to ride and build jumps this summer. The location is perfect, and we have a tractor and water access... The spot is coming along nicely, here is a shot from a recent session..
Just got back from the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey, Ca. We spent three days shooting and riding at the event. We also went out to the infamous dirt jumps in Aptos, and only ten minutes into the session my buddy phil broke his arm.. radial fracture.. sorry man. Other than that it was a pretty fun trip, and phil says it was still worth it. We went to the both, Seasons and Kranked 7 premiers Here are a few photos from the trip. Look for the shot of Nathan Rennie in the upcoming issue of Mountain Bike Action magazine.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Just got back from a Backcountry trip in the Sawtooth Mountains in Idaho. Here are a few shots of the group, the hut we stayed in and the journey in and out. I shot a bunch of HD footage and will be putting together a video of the trip. Once I get it done I will put up a link.
Friday, January 18, 2008
We just got back from NYC.. We spent three days out there. We went to Wicked on Broadway, saw Conan O Brien live, saw the original "Starry Night" at the Museum of Modern Art, and I got to go to B&H to buy some photo stuff.. It was fun to see New York but after 3 days I was ready to get out of there.. I don't know how people can live in those cities.. This is a shot of Steph and Parker in Times Square.