I just wrapped up my summer shooting a couple weeks ago. I traveled all over the place this summer shooting photos/writing stories for DECLINE MAGAZINE. I also have been working with Haro Bikes, Camelbak, Lizard Skins, Mountain Bike Action, and others. I already posted about shooting at the Ranchstyle, but I also shot at Teva Mtn Games, Crankworx Colorado, Red Bull Final Descent, and Red Bull Rampage.. If you didn't catch any of the issues you can still order them at this link. These are the issues I had stories in this year-

The current issue has the coverage from red bull rampage and red bull burner. It just came out, and I actually haven't seen it yet myself.. Maybe I will put up a post with some Rampage shots that didn't get used after I see the mag..
I went up to Jackson Hole in early October to ride/film the trails on Teton Pass. I was riding/shooting a web video with Eric Porter for Haro Bikes. Even though it was late in the season we lucked out with conditions, the day after we left it snowed 2 feet on the trails. Here is the finished video-
Eric Porter's road trip to Jackson WY from Haro Bikes MTB on Vimeo.
It was a great summer to say the least, and event with all of the traveling I was able to get in a ton of riding myself.
The winter has already come on strong here, and I am super pumped to start shooting snow stuff. I will be working with The Canyons ski resort this year again, creating photo/video content for them to be used in a variety of marketing purposes. I am stoked to be involved with them, and looking forward to this season. They are also holding a contest right now for the Ultimate Mountain Gig which is basically a job blogging about the mountain that pays 40,000 dollars.. pretty wild. I put in an entry for the position, since I will already be up there shooting all the time anyway. If felt a little awkward being on the opposite side of the camera.. This is my entry vid-
They will announce the winner for the position on Dec 15th. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I am sure I am forgetting some of the stuff that has happened over the last few months, so when I remember I will try to post it up.. LET IT SNOW!